No Sulfur Story


Is a clean and stable no sulfite wine possible?

Terrane wines employ a pro-biotic approach to wine stabilization. No sulfur is used at any time to preserve Terrane wines. While SO2 works effectively to control spoilage, it also binds many color and flavor compounds in new wines. This observation led to many experiments with low-sulfur wines over the years, most of which met with limited success. In 2008, a connection was made with a group of Swiss scientists who were developing a radical new wine preservative product. Using cutting-edge organic extraction technology, our Swiss colleagues isolate specific molecules from many source materials (black radish, acerola, pine bark, etc.) that are rich in oligomeric proanthrocyanadins (OPCs). These natural phenolic compounds work to stabilize wines, both from oxidation and from microbial damage. Working  together we have created an increasingly better product that preserves wine organically and is totally transparent in flavor and aroma.

In the most recent formulations of this stabilization product, all OPCs are sourced entirely from grape seeds.